The boo is for Halloween but the boo hoooooooooooo! is for me.
I am totally depressed today and I am going to bitch bitch bitch about it to whoever reads these blogs of mine. I tell you it's not many of you that read them either which is another depressing thought.
Went for another dr appt yesterday to find out I have AT LEAST another 3 freakin weeks of wearing this damn boot. I am starting to get blisters on my ankle bone and also blisters on my back heal from this brick boot. I still can't drive, still on crutches and I am pissed off about it. Jerry is taking off for Seattle this Friday and coming back late Monday. Think I will sleep a lot to pass the time. He deserves to get away for a few days after putting up with me like this for the last 3 weeks.
I can't e-mail my friend Rosemary cause our e-mails don't seem to connect. I tried calling and she isn't home so I am sitting here at this computer just bitching and feeling sorry for myself. I know I know, I should be thankful I am not in a worse predicament. At least I still have 2 feet, 2 arms and half a brain etc.....
The house is a mess. Needs dusting and vacuuming. Jerry has been pretty good at trying to keep the kitchen clean but it's not like I want it.
I talked to my daughter three weeks ago and I haven't heard from her since. That was when I told her I broke my foot. What's wrong with me???
Tea for Two?
2 days ago
We were at the docs yesterday....Steve is sick now and I am still not feeling terrific. I don't know what in the hell is wrong with my email....this happens every so often and then it goes back to being OK....I no longer have stupid McAfee....but I did switch to for your daughter....I am not surprised at all.....she is like my kids sometimes.....gawd forbid it be about someone other than them. Dust and a slightly dirty kitchen? Barb, the same stuff plus a bit more will be waiting for you in 3 weeks. Is the boot padded? Ask the doc for some moleskin to line it at the pressure points and keep your foot DRY. You can also figure on a few weeks of ramping up to full weight isn't just 3 weeks longer. OK, the happy faiery will leave now.
We read your blog! Come on now, as they say, it could be so much worse. Make some lemonade out of those lemons...... Positive thinking faiery will not leave also. :-)
Last year my daughter had a terrible broken leg. She begged the doc to take off the cast. She promised not to put weight on it. He refused to hear her complaints. After 2 months on non-weight bearing she finally got the cast off. A few weeks of rehab and she was able to live again. It seemed forever then, but she is fine now. It is worth the agony to achieve the cure. Meanwhile go ahead and bitch. We will listen. This too will pass.
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