Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spring beginnings

Gee, it's been so long since I blogged that I almost forgot my password. LOL!

Well here is a pic of my new "Topsy Turvey" tomato planter. I have two tomato and one crookneck squash in it. I will post another pic later on in the season when hopefully it is full of veggies.

This is the progress of the wall to hide the propane tank. I am going to buy a couple of Virginia Creeper plants to cover the wall. Also we are going to make a little flower garden in front of it.

Jerry bought a newer riding lawn mower and is enjoying it. The place always looks so much nicer when the lawn is mowed. I love the smell of a freshly mowed lawn. Ummmmmm!

This is cilantro that I planted. They are big enough to be outside now. I started crookneck, zucchini, cucumbers and the cilantro by starting to grow the seeds indoors last month.

Saw something unique this morning looking out the bedroom slider: There was a male house finch sitting on top of a pine tree. This little bird has a bright red chest. I suddenly noticed a hummingbird bobbing around him as if he was a flower. You had to see it to really appreciate how amazing and funny it looked. I just put the hummingbird feeders out last weekend and already we have quite a few hummers visiting.


Mom said...

green and beautiful spring

rosemary said...

Really looks nice know my talents with strawberries and zucchini....not to be repeated stories. We have had hummers for a while....I am on my second batch of water for them. Our bambis are back, we have several turkeys and thankfully no bears yet. if your old garden was any indicator, your place there will be lovely.

Erica Ann Awesome said...

I like that planter thing. Barak has started a garden and we got our first tomato sighting the other day.

Shammickite said...

I was reading your comment on Roemary's blog, and I cannot imagine what it would be like to never be allowed to speak to your child or grandchildren, it would break my heart.

DB said...

Great site. Didn't know you had started it so long ago. Good thing you have Jerry: Barbwire not very inviting. Barbiedoll would be much better but probably taken. Talk to you soon. By the way any prefs for rental car? No Smartcars available!