Saturday, August 30, 2008

Family and friends

I am back from my visit to Long Beach California. Here is a pic of my daughter and my grandson. He is a joy to be around. As you can see, he loves the Dodgers but also he told me he liked the Chicago White Sox. I only got to see them for a few hours on Sunday. They were off to Disneyland on Monday and left for Chicago early Tuesday. I wish I could have spent a lot more time with them both. I miss them terribly.
This is a pic of the boat my best friend Doreen and I took around the Long Beach Harbor. Was a beautiful day and we both got sunburned. We had a nice lunch overlooking this view afterwards.

This is a view of the dome where the Howard Hughes's Spruce Goose used to be housed. I think it's now in SLC.

This is the lighthouse with Long Beach in the background.

This is my best friend, Doreen and her husband. We went to a Japanese Buffet restaurant and I ate so much Sushi. I just love Sushi and not many people I know like it. Doreen being one of them. Her husband on the other hand loves it too. We definitely pigged out.

This is Doreen and her daughter who just moved back from Tennessee. I said in an earlier blog that I have known Doreen for over 30 years. Well, the actual count is 38 years. I know this because Erica was just about to be born when I met Doreen. The yacht behind them is Erica's in her dreams. LOL
This is my new boyfriend I met at Shoreline Village in Long Beach. Isn't he handsome? Definitely my type too.

I had pretty good flights even though I am not comfortable flying. Going over was ok but on the way back from SLC to Spokane I could have sworn the plane was speeding down the runway with flat tires. Wasn't the runway because it felt the same when landing in Spokane.
My daughter and I talked about me living in Chicago in my retirement years. I don't know. I miss her and my grand kids a lot and would love to be closer. I guess time will tell. The way she moves around, who knows where she will be when I am all alone and retired.
When I got back Tuesday eve around 11pm I was totally exhausted. Wednesday, Thurs, and Friday I had to get up early for work. On Wed eve we went to the Casino for dinner with our neighbors, Thurs Jerry and I went to "Pig Out in the Park" at Riverside Park here in downtown Spokane, then last night I refused to go anywhere so we ordered pizza in and had the neighbors over. I have been working on the books since 9am this morning till around 4pm this afternoon and still have lots more to do. Payroll tomorrow. I just had to take a break and have some fun with this blog.


rosemary said...

1. you outed the daughter's age.

2. still looks like california.

3. you didn't fool me....that's not your new beard or a dog at his side.

glad you had a good time....forget Chicago...she'll be in Europe or Asia by then.

Mom said...

Glad you're home after a good trip. Family and friends make the world a better place.