I have seen junk yards from afar (like from the freeway) but never actually been to one till yesterday. Don't EVER want to see one again. Too sad!
Last Christmas on my way to Florence, Oregon in my Subaru I went to pull my sun visor over to the left driver side window. Well, it snapped off and I have been wedging it up ever since. I hit a bump in the road and it falls in my lap. Startles me in fact which isn't good while driving. I decided I would try and find another visor in a junk yard to save money. There is a huge junk yard in Spokane Valley that I was told about. So off I went and after about a 30 minutes of getting lost I finally found the massive place. I have never seen sooo many mangled cars in my life. I felt sick just looking at so many. You couldn't even tell what make a lot of them were because they were so mangled. I asked the driver who was taking me out and around finding my model of Subaru how he could tell what brand and model these cars were. He showed me a map of the yard and the cars are numbered like on the side of a race car except these were done in what looked like white paint then circled. All I could think of while driving around seeing all these mangled cars were the people that used to drive them. I don't see how many of the people survived the crashes in these cars.
We found 5 Subaru cars and none of them had sun visors left. I still feel sick thinking of these horrible mangled pieces of metal just sitting there all with their own stories. Needless to say I didn't find a sun visor but sure got a eye full of sadness.
I don't think I can ever go to a junk yard again.
I did try to find a visor on both E-Bay and Craigslist but none available. I might end up having to go directly to the dealership and pay an exorbitant amount. Summer is coming and I need a visor.
My Furry Neighbour
1 day ago
Oh the stories those cars could tell. It would make a great novel.
I have never been to a junk yard, but I feel like I have after reading your post.
It has to be that one right off I90 right....every time we drive by there I get the same feeling...at least since 2005. I often wondered if my Subaru ended up there after the crash.
OK....was driving me nuts....I almost had to ask Steve when I remembered the name of the place off of I90....SPAULDING'S!!! Right?
Yes the name is Spaulding's and I only saw one part of it. The foreign part. There is also two other lots. One for domestic cars and another for trucks. It is HUGE!and UGLY! Not a place to take the kiddies! Rated "R"
Hi Barb,
Had the same problem with mine but was able to use passenger side visor. Couple of screws and 'Voila' Is upside down but works well. Maybe will work on yours also.
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