Well what can I say? I am not a frequent blogger am I? Things just seem to happen and I just don't have the enthusiasm to write. Now I have to think of all the things that I want to blog about that have happened in the last month.
I have seen many movies: The Reader, Gran Torino, Slumdog Millionaire and International. I think out of all 4 of those Slumdog Millionaire was the best. I thought Clint Eastwood was great in Gran Torino though.
Most of the snow is still on the ground and the temps are still cold. Mornings in the low 20's and only getting up to maybe high 30's during the day. I can't wait till Spring. I think February is the month most of us living in the Pacific Northwest get a bad case of Cabin Fever.
The 16th of February was a sad day for me. I lost the love of my life 4 years ago. I still think of him a lot and all the gardening we used to do together. We had an amazing landscaped garden when we lived in Sandpoint. The neighbors said that we did enough work in 2 yrs that most people took 20 to do.
Have had some health issues lately(daily headaches) and had to have a CAT scan done on my head/brain/sinuses. Guess what? The results showed nothing abnormal thank God! I do have a functional brain too!! Yippee! I have been sleeping a lot. On my days off I can sleep most of the day. What a waste that is. Another Dr appointment this coming Thursday so hopefully he will have some good ideas of what is going on with me. I kind of have a good idea but will wait and see what the good ole doc has to say.
The house I take care of 3 times a week has a kitten named "Midnight". He is pure black from head to toe. We have become very good friends. He follows me around most of the day (in between his little naps) I have become very attached to him. Gave him a paper grocery bag to play in last Friday and he had so much fun. Animals are a blessing when you aren't feeling up to par. He just purrs and purrs when I am close to him. What a sweetie! I always give him a kiss on the head when I leave.
Had another moose siting last Tuesday morning. This one was shedding so it looked a bit scraggly. I heard our dog "Happy" barking and barking and when I looked out the window she was about 6 feet away from this moose. It looked like the moose was about to charge (head down and pawing at the ground) I yelled at Jerry to get Happy in the house. Fortunately she is very well trained and came inside right away. Whew that was a scare! The moose hung out for awhile then headed north across wide open territory. What a site! I noticed it was about a month ago when we saw the two moose here. Hmmmmm what a coincident. I will have to watch for moose around the 17th of March to see if any arrive.
Happy is getting up in age (just like me) and she just loves to chase the golf disc and brings it back to your feet for another throw. We are trying to limit her running because the next day she can barely walk. She just thinks she is still a pup. The other day she was running across the snow to get the disc and must have fallen into a hole. She limped around for the rest of the day. I have a vet appointment for her this Thursday (after my doctor appointment) to get her shots updated and have the vet look at her legs and feet. We give her Glucosamine daily for her joints but maybe she needs more. She also needs her toenails clipped and since they are pure black I am afraid of going into the quick. Looks like I have a busy week ahead of me. Monday: Spokane Movers bookkeeper to help me with the monthly bookkeeping duties. Tues/Wed: Housekeeping job. Thurs: Doctor and Vet appointments. Fri: Housekeeping job. Guess I won't have much time to sleep this week! LOL.
I know there is more to blog about but can't think right now. Maybe later.
Tea for Two?
2 days ago